Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Famous painting

Famous painting
Poirot caught up the torn envelope from the floor.Something unusualabout the address had registered itself vaguely in my brain,but I had beentoo anxious to get at the contents of the letter to pay more than fleetingattention to it. Poirot was at the time living in Whitehaven Mansions.The address ran: M.Hercule Poirot,Whitehorse Mansion,across the corner wasscrawled:"Not known at Whitehorse Mansions,EC1,nor at Whitehorse Court-tryWhitehaven Mansions." "Mon Dieu!"murmured Poirot."Does even chance aid this madman? Vite-vite-we must get on to Scotland Yard."
Famous painting
A minute or two later we were speaking to Crome over the wire.For oncethe self-controlled inspector did not reply "Oh,yes?"Instead a quicklystifled curse came to his lips.He heard what we had to say,then rang off inorder to get a trunk connection to Churston as rapidly as possible. "C'est trop tard,"murmured Poirot. "You can't be sure of that,"I argued,though without any great hope. He glanced at the clock. "Twenty minutes past ten?An hour and forty minutes to go.Is it likelythat A B C will have held his hand so long?" I opened the railway guide I had previously taken from its shelf.
Famous painting


Anonymous said...

Famous painting

Anonymous said...

Famous painting

Anonymous said...

Art Painting