Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Marc Chagall Painting

Marc Chagall Painting
The boy nearest to him only had the Sun - a late edition of the paper he had already read. It annoyed Bunting to give a penny for a ha'penny rag of which he already knew the main contents. But there was nothing else to do.
Marc Chagall Painting
Standing under a lamp-post, he opened out the newspaper. It was bitingly cold; that, perhaps, was why his hand shook as he looked down at the big headlines. For Bunting had been very unfair to the enterprise of the editor of his favourite evening paper. This special edition was full of new matter - new matter concerning The Avenger.
Marc Chagall Painting


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"Marc Chagall Painting"

Anonymous said...

Marc Chagall Painting

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Marc Chagall Painting