Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mary Cassatt painting

Mary Cassatt painting
"Be quiet,mademoiselle.I am for the truth,I am!I have done with lies. Supposing,I say,that A B C did not commit the second crime.It tookplace,remember,in the early hours of the 25th-the day he had arrived forthe crime.Supposing someone had forestalled him?What in those circumstanceswould he do?Commit a second murder,or lie low and accept the first as akind of macabre present?" "M.Poirot!"said Megan."That's a fantastic thought!All the crimes musthave been commited by the same person!" He took no notice of her and went steadily on:
Mary Cassatt painting
"Such a hypothesis had the merit of explaining one fact-the discrepancybetween the personality of Alexander Bonaparte Cust (who could never havemade the click with any girl)and the personality of Betty Barnard'smurderer.And it has been know,before now,that would-be murderers havetaken advantage of the crimes committed by other people.Not all the crimesof Jack the Ripper were committed by Jack the Ripper,for instance.So far,so good. "But then i came up against a definite difficulty.
Mary Cassatt painting


Anonymous said...

Mary Cassatt paintin
Mary Cassatt painting

Anonymous said...

Edward Hopper Painting

Anonymous said...

Mary Cassatt painting