Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Singing Butler

The Singing Butler
I can give you two or three names – but she was not very intimate with anyone."
They could get nothing else useful from Madame Joliet.
Shown the compact, she said Anna had one of that kind, but so had most of the other girls. Anna had perhaps bought a fur coat in London – she did not know. "Me, I occupy myself with the rehearsals, with the stage lighting, with all the difficulties of my business. I have not time to notice what my artists wear."
The Singing Butler
After Madame Joliet, they interviewed the girls whose names she had given them. One or two of them had known Anna fairly well, but they all said that she had not been one to talk much about herself, and that when she did, it was, so one girl said, mostly lies.
"She likes to pretend things – stories about having been the mistress of a Grand Duke – or of a great English financier - or how she worked for the Resistance in the war. Even a story about being a film star in Hollywood."
Another girl said:
"I think that really she had had a very tame bourgeois existence. She liked to in ballet because she thought it was romantic, but she was not a good dancer. You understand that if she were to say, ‘My father was a draper in Amiens.' that would not be romantic! So instead she made up things."
The Singing Butler


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