Van Gogh Painting
The death of Betty Barnard and the manner of it gave me certain otherindications.The manner of her death was particularly suggestive.(Forgive me,Mr Fraser.)To begin with,she was strangled with her own belt-therefore shemust almost certainly have been killed by someone with whom she was onfriendly or affectionate terms.When I learnt something of her character apicture grew up in my mind. "Betty Barnard was a flirt.She liked attention from a personable male. Therefore A B C,to persuade her to come out with him,must have had acertain amount of attraction-of le sex appeal!He must be able,as you
Van Gogh Painting
English say,to "get off".He must be capable of the click!I visualize thescene on the beach thus:the man admires her belt.She takes it off,he passesit playfully round her neck-says,perhaps,"I shall strangle you." It is all very playful.She giggles-and he pulls-"Donald Fraser sprangup.He was livid. "M.Poirot-for God's sake." Poirot made a gesture. "It is finished.I say no more.It is over.We pass to the next murder,that of Sir Carmichael Clarke.Here the murderer goes back to his firstmethod-the blow on the head.The same alphabetical complex-but one factworries me a little.To be consistent the murderer should have chosen histowns in some definite sequence.
Van Gogh Painting
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
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