The Broken Pitcher
The Jewel Casket
The Kitchen Maid
The Lady of Shalott
plan as we did!Mother -mother wasn't sane.I don't know what you think,but it canseem quite right -almost noble -to kill someone!" Poirot nodded his head slowly."Yes,it has seemed so,I know,to many.That isproved by history." "That's how Ray and I felt -that night......"She beat her hand on thetable."But we didn't really do it.Of course we didn't do it!When daylight camethe whole thing seemed absurd,melodramatic -oh,yes,and wickedtoo!Indeed,indeed,M.Poirot,mother died perfectly naturally of heart failure.Rayand I had nothing to do with it." Poirot said quietly: "Will you swear to me,mademoiselle,as you hope forsalvat
oil painting
ion after death,that Mrs Boynton did not die as the result of any actionof yours?" She lifted her head.Her voice came steady and deep: "I swear,"said Carol,"as I hope for salvation,that I never harmed her......" Poirot leaned back in his chair. "So,"he said,"that is that." There was silence.Poirot thoughtfully caressed his superb moustache.Then hesaid: "What exactly was your plan?" "Plan?" "Yes,you and your brother must have had a plan." In his mind he ticked off the seconds before her answer came.One,two,three. "We had no plan,"said Carol at last."We never got as far as that."
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
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The Broken Pitcher
The Broken Pitcher
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