Thursday, January 3, 2008

leonardo da vinci painting

leonardo da vinci painting
leonardo da vinci the last supper
mona lisa painting
mona lisa smile
 The two detective officers went off together,Campbell looking smart in a lounge suit, (he had an excellent figure), and Chief-InspectorDavy carrying with him a tweedy air of being up from the country. They fitted in quitewell. Only the astute eye of Miss Gorringe, as she raised it from her ledgers, singledthem out and appreciated them for what they were. Since she had reported the disappearanceof Canon Pennyfather herself and had already had a word with a lesser personage in thepolice force, she had been expecting something of this kind.
oil painting
  A faint murmur to the earnest-looking girl assistantwhom she kept handy in the background, enabled the latter to come forward and deal withany ordinary inquiries or services while Miss Gorringe gently shifted herself a littlefarther along the counter and looked up at the two men. Inspector Campbell laid down hiscard on the desk in front of her and she nodded. Looking past him to the largetweed-coated figure behind him, she noted that he had turned slightly sideways, and wasobserving the lounge and its occupants with an apparently na?ve pleasure at beholding sucha well bred, upper-class world in action.


Anonymous said...

"The Virgin and Child with St Anne"
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leonardo da vinci painting