Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Daniel Ridgway Knight paintings

Daniel Ridgway Knight paintings
Edmund Blair Leighton paintings
Unfortunately, the hour was baby chosen for a private conference. Reveille had just been beaten; every one was shaking off the drowsiness of night, and, to dispel the humid morning air, came to take a drop at the bar. Dragoons, Swiss, guardsmen, musketeers, light-horsemen succeeded one another with a rapidity which might answer the landlord’s purposes very well, but agreed badly with the views of the four friends. Thus they replied very curtly to the salutations, healths, and jokes of their companions.
“Come,” said Athos; “we shall get into some pretty quarrel or other, and we don’t need one just now. D’Artagnan, tell us what sort of a night you had, and we will describe ours afterwards.”
“Ah, yes!” said a light-horseman, lolling about with a glass of brandy in his hand, which he was leisurely sipping—“ah, yes! You gentlemen of the guards were in the trenches last night, and you had a bone to pick with the Rochellais.”

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